Obsidian ODN Kurs, Marktkapitalisierung & Charts

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BTC 0.00000097





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Obsidian (ODN) historischer Kurs & Charts


Obsidian is a PoS cryptocurrency for popular use. It uses the more energy efficient SHA-512 hash algorithm to optimize for use on mobile devices and improved quantum computing resilience. ODN uses the proof-of-stake consensus strategy and pays a block reward of 20 ODN, which is equivalent to an interest rate of about 10%.

In addition, Obsidian is the currency that powers to future Obsidian Secure Anonymous Messenger economy. The Obsidian Secure Anonymous Messenger allows for sending end-to-end encrypted messages, media, and files and is optimized for anonymity of communication and metadata protection/avoidance and does not require any user accounts, phone number or personal email address which could identify its users. The message transport will be accomplished by a decentralized network of special messaging masternodes that can be run by anyone by simply installing the respective software. Running messaging masternodes will be rewarded in Obsidian currency, so that messenger users and messenger masternode hosters form an economy which is independent from any company or country and maintained only by the open source community.

Obsidian has an active Slack community in English with channels in русский and 中文, which welcomes traders, entrepreneurs, developers and everyone interested in science and innovation to share knowledge and learn.

According to the White Paper, the current circulating supply is 24.4M.

Erschaffungsdatum: 2018-12-08

Website: https://obsidianplatform.com/

Marktkapitalisierung USD 92,204 Menge 24H USD 39
Marktanteil 0.00 % Verfügbare Menge 25,000,000
Veränderung % (1H) -0.55 % Maximale Menge 0
Veränderung % (24H) -2.66 % Totale Menge 98,150,866
Veränderung % (7D) -0.41 % Proof PoS
Algorithmus SHA-512 Upgedated: vor 5 Jahren
Datum Kurs Menge

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